In the 'Select a Function' field, Excel provides a list of functions that relate to what you entered into the 'Search for a Function' field.

In the Select a Function field, you can click on different functions to see what calculations they perform. We already clicked on 'AVERAGE'. In the snapshot below, you can see what calculation it performs.

Now that you know how to insert a function, let's insert a function into an actual spreadsheet.
Click Cancel to exit out of the Insert Function box – if you're following along – and take a look at our sample worksheet in the following snapshot.

How To Use Excel 2016
We want to determine the average sales for the month of January. As you can see, we've created a row for the average sales. We want the average sales for January displayed in D12.
To do this, we are going to click Insert Function on the Ribbon under the Formulas tab. Once again, we enter 'average of cells' in the 'Search for a Function field,' then click the Go button.

About this tutorial:

Video duration: 1:2:18
This is a Microsoft Excel 2016 Basic Tutorial for beginners. In this basic course Excel video tutorial, you’ll get the first look and overview of Excel, and how to customize the Excel environment, customize the Quick Access Toolbar, customize the Ribbon, how to navigate Excel using shortcuts, how to create a basic worksheet, or spreadsheet, Save and Save As to make copies and, or backup Excel, convert old Excel files to the latest Excel 2016, and the Compatibility Checker to check for Excel 2016’s compatibility when viewed in earlier version of Excel.
All 160 of my Excel 2016…

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